El Proyecto Da Vinci CODE y el Pensamiento Computacional en Secundaria
Alicante 2023
Comunicación – Artículo
International Congress: Education and Knowledge
Comunicación – Ponencia
Da Vinci CODE: Una aventura digital para introducir el pensamiento computacional en secundaria
Autores: Benjumeda Muñoz, Francisco Javier; Romero Albaladejo, Isabel Mª
Publicación: Julio 2023
Palabras clave: Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos; Matemáticas; Competencias Clave; Juegos Digitales; Flujo.
Da Vinci CODE: A Digital Adventure to introduce Computational Thinking in Secondary School
Keywords: Project-Based Learning; Mathematics; Key Competences; Digital Games; Flow.
Una aventura digital que combina ABP y TIC para introducir el pensamiento computacional en secundaria
Autores: Benjumeda Muñoz, F. J.; Romero Albaladejo, I. M.
Publicación: 2023
Palabras clave: Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos; Matemáticas; Competencias Clave; Juegos Digitales; Flujo.
A digital adventure that combines PBL and ICT to introduce computational thinking in high school
Keywords: Project-Based Learning; Mathematics; Key Competences; Digital Games; Flow.
Abstract – Resumen
The profound changes proposed by the EU and the Spanish education system demand the use of models like project-based learning (PBL), whose characteristics foster the improvement of key competences in students. The PBL model favours the integration of technology and the teaching of mathematics with a STEM approach, including the development of digital competence and of computational thinking (CT). When PBL is combined with strategies like gamification in digital environments, it also allows to increase the interest and motivation of students by generating experiences of flow. Under the paradigm of design research, this study presents a teaching experiment developed in a class of 13-14 year-old students by their mathematics teacher and university researchers. It describes a didactical proposal, designed in the format of a digital adventure, which integrates game techniques in a PBL model. It is aimed at promoting and assessing the development of key competences, computational thinking and intrinsic motivation in students. The data analysis carried out, after its implementation in the classroom, agrees with other studies on the potential of this kind of designs to improve students’ competences and to increase their motivation and interest about mathematical activity. In addition, the study shows that most students reached adequate levels in the dimensions of CT: logical reasoning, algorithm generation, decomposition, generalisation and abstraction.
Galería de Imágenes
Figura 1
Menú de etapa Hall de Entrada (H) y extractos de las tres secciones de la Tabla de Códigos:
- Asocia caracteres a cualquier entero decimal entre -10 y 122
- Asocia valores numéricos a ciertas letras
- Asocia expresiones algebraicas con símbolos y letras
Figura 3
Sección 2 de la misión H2: Enlaces Anónimos para el enlace rojo:
- Proceso seguido para descubrir el nombre gracias al mapa de España
- Nombre Clave en código hexadecimal
Figura 5
Secciones de la misión H3: ID Clave Artística:
- Detalle de obra y autor de una de las tarjetas y descifrado
- Extracto de tarjetas reversibles y código correcto para un autor